K-Pop Cover Dance in Luxemburg (2025)

Disclaimer from 1.8.2024
General information about the courses (a brief overview):
It is possible to join all groups at any time. The cost are 43€/ month per course.
Changing courses (times or type of course) is possible in consultation with us.
Classes take place weekly (but not within the Luxemburg school vacations and on public vacations).

§ 1 Teaching days and times:
Lessons take place once a week on the days specified in the course schedule. Exceptions are public holidays and dance school holidays, which are based on the school holiday regulations of the respective federal state.
Hopspot Tanzstudio reserves the right to exceptionally move the dance lessons to another day or time if business operations require this. The dance school is free to design the lessons, choose the classrooms and choose the dance teachers. Failure to appear for a registered course does not release you from the obligation to pay.

§ 2 Contract / Termination / Contribution Adjustments:
The following contractual regulations apply to membership:
By signing the registration, the contract between the person registering, hereinafter referred to as the contractual partner, and HopSpot Gbr, hereinafter referred to as the dance school, is concluded. The contract is personal and non-transferable. The time of registration is also the start of the contract.
The contract has no minimum term and can be terminated at any time. Registration is possible at any time of the month and the course fee is calculated proportionately.
The term of the membership is not interrupted by periods without classes (e.g. public holidays, holidays).
The notice period is 3 months, always at the end of the calendar month.
Termination must be made in writing using the termination form on the homepage or by email to [emailprotected]. Alternatively, you can request termination of membership in your personal Kurabu account.
The termination becomes effective with a written confirmation from the dance school.
Verbal side agreements/terminations with HopSpot trainers are invalid.

Special right of termination:
The participant has a special right of termination if they change their place of residence with a distance of more than 50 km from the place of instruction and if they have a medically certified illness that permanently makes participation in the dance courses impossible.

Contribution adjustment:
The dance studio reserves the right to adjust the monthly flat rate prices to economic changes within the dance school. This applies in particular in the event that additional room costs and/or personnel costs increase. All price changes will apply no earlier than 30 days after announcement.

§ 3. Course fee / SEPA direct debit mandate:
The membership fee is an annual fee that is charged in monthly installments and is therefore also due during times when there are no classes.
The contractual partner authorizes the payment recipient “HopSopt Gbr” to collect payments from the account by direct debit. At the same time, the contractual partner instructs his credit institution to honor the direct debits collected from the payee.
If the SEPA direct debit is not redeemed and booked back, Hopspot will charge a processing fee of €10, plus the applicable bank fees.
Changes in name and bank details or address must be reported to the dance school immediately by email to [emailprotected].
Contributions are collected on the 3rd of each month.
If the contractual partner defaults on the payment of the agreed contributions on two consecutive payment dates, the dance school is entitled to terminate the contract extraordinarily with immediate effect. In this case, the contractual partner is obliged to pay the outstanding contributions immediately until notice of termination is given.

§ 4 Pause of the contract:
If a medical certificate proves that you are unable to dance, the monthly course fee will be suspended until you return.
Pauses for other reasons and a maximum duration of 6 months must be requested by email at [emailprotected].
In the case of terminations within the agreed pause period, the pause agreement ends on the date of termination.

§ 5 Disclaimer:
Dancing and staying in our rooms is at your own risk. Any liability for personal injury and property damage that is not caused by employees or events in the dance school is excluded.

§ 6 Trial dance lessons:
The trial dance lessons are free and there is generally no registration required. The dates for this are on the homepage of the website.
Completing a registration form constitutes a binding registration for a dance course or a dance membership. The course fee is due for payment upon submission of a registration.

§ 7 Internet registrations:
To register for the dance course or dance membership via the Internet, you must accept the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) on the homepage. By registering online, you are making a binding offer to the dance school to become a member of a dance course. The conclusion of the contract is confirmed by an email. The contract text, based on the participant information, will be saved for operational purposes after the contract has been concluded.

§ 8 Cancellation policy:
You can revoke your contractual declaration in writing within 14 days without giving reasons. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before the conclusion of the contract and also not before fulfillment of our information obligations in accordance with Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our obligations in accordance with § 312g paragraph 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient to send the cancellation in a timely manner. The revocation must be sent to: [emailprotected].
Revocation is only possible if the service is not used

§ 9 Film and photo recordings:
By signing the membership, the contract holder agrees that photographs may be published publicly on the Internet and/or used for advertising purposes. If the person does not agree to this, a refusal must be expressly submitted to Hopspot Tanzstudio in writing.

§ 10 Other agreements:
Arrangements about free or reduced-price course visits, course postponements, course cancellations or notice periods for dance courses cannot be made by the dance school employees but only by the dance school owner.

General terms and conditions for all contracts as of 1.3.2022- 1.8.2024
General information about the courses : It is possible to join the selected course at any time. Changing courses (times or type of course) is possible in consultation with us. Classes are held weekly (but not during school vacations and public holidays).
1. the contract includes one lesson per week for the booked course. (Classes are not held on public holidays and during school vacations) 2. changes in the course times and fees on the part of HOPSPOT Dance Studio will be communicated to the contracting parties in writing in due time before the notice period.
3. the registration obligates to the payment of the course fee. It will be debited by direct debit (monthly payment, including school vacations) at the beginning of the contract.
4. it is not possible to change between the courses. The registration is only valid for the selected course
5. The minimum duration of the contract is 6 months.
6. after this period, the contract becomes a permanent contract.
7. the period of notice after the expiration of the 6 months is 4 weeks and must be made in writing via the cancellation form on the homepage. The cancellation becomes effective with a written confirmation from our side.
8. the data of the registration are stored exclusively for organizational purposes in our PC. A passing on of the data does not take place naturally.
​9. The practice of the dance sport in rooms of the HOPSPOT dance studio (Art et Sports Dancestudio) happens on own danger. The dance studio or its employees are not liable for any personal injury or damage to property. No liability is assumed for damage to wardrobe or its loss as well as the loss of money and valuables.

K-Pop Cover Dance in Luxemburg (2025)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.