How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (2024)

How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1

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The mystery 24th characterr/MortalKombat • 1Dude, probably unpopular opinion, but I miss unlockable characters. I know MK11 has Frost and like over a thousand other unlockables, but there was something special about unlocking the full roster, about not starting with basically every character ready to gor/MortalKombat • 2So why.....was Frost kept a secret?r/MortalKombat • 3

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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (5)What Redditors are Saying

Unlocking Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1


  • There is speculation about a potential 24th secret character, but it remains uncertain [1:1]
  • Some players miss the excitement of unlocking characters, while others prefer having the full roster available from the start [2:1]
  • The secret fights in MK1 are seen as disappointing and lack the surprise element of previous games [5:3]

Presence of a 24th Character

There is speculation among players about the existence of a 24th secret character in Mortal Kombat 1. However, it remains uncertain whether there is indeed an undiscovered character or if the last slot is simply a placeholder for future DLC [1:1].

Opinions on Unlocking Characters

Opinions on unlocking characters vary among players. Some express nostalgia for the excitement of unlocking characters in older games, while others appreciate having the full roster available from the start. Unlocking characters can provide a sense of progression and reward for playing the game [2:1][4:6]. However, some players find the process tedious or time-consuming, especially in tournament settings [2:7].

Disappointment with Secret Fights in MK1

In Mortal Kombat 1, the secret fights are viewed by some players as underwhelming compared to previous entries. Rather than encountering secret characters, these fights are often seen as ambushes with different titles. This lack of secret characters diminishes the surprise factor and excitement associated with unlocking unique fighters [5:3].

It's important to note that the discussions do not provide specific instructions on how to unlock secret characters in Mortal Kombat 1.

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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (17)POST SUMMARY • [1]


The mystery 24th character

Posted by KingKuzan1 · in r/MortalKombat · 10 months ago


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (22)

You guys think there is actually a 24th character yet to be revealed? Or the last slot is just a Kombat pack placeholder?

12 replies


OutlawJoJos69 · 10 months ago

Im surprised there’s not any “new” characters in this game so far.


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AdmiralAntz · 10 months ago

I feel like with the reset they wanted to play it safe and use known characters. Lets you establish the story and lets them bring out characters who have been collecting dust for years. I honestly doubt we'll be getting any new faces until the next game


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United-Government196 · 10 months ago

I feel like the 3D characters are the new characters, especially with how much they’ve been reimagined.


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Separate_Evening_62 · 10 months ago

I love how they said this was a new story for new fans and you could jump in here when you needed to have played the last game and the dlc to know who the villain is


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wasteofskin11111 · 10 months ago

To me half the roster is newcomers because I never played any of the 3d mk games and I never even heard of these characters until now lol


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United-Government196 · 10 months ago

Really? Never? I haven’t had the chance to play 3D games as well but i at least knew characters like havik.


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Efficient-Ad2983 · 10 months ago

Indeed. I was expecting for at least one new character.

Even MK 9 gave us Cyber Sub Zero (sure, an alt version of Sub Zero, but he's still "new"), and DLC gave us Skarlet as a newcomer.


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Datboidatboi62 · 10 months ago

Kreate a fighter


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Anonymous · 10 months ago

Yeah I did a little digging nothing too extreme but the only thing that sounded certain was something "like create a fighter" but there's no way to confirm it


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TitanBro6 · 10 months ago

The 24th character are the mortals that we’ve Kombated along the way


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QuickerQuills · 10 months ago

The 24th character is the hims and hers that we’ve finished along the way.


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SkrotusErotus69 · 10 months ago

The main thing I hate about this is not the implication that there's no 24th. But moreso that DLC characters would have a lame pop up menu.

I want to visually watch the roster grow with DLC :/


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (23)r/MortalKombat • [2]


Dude, probably unpopular opinion, but I miss unlockable characters. I know MK11 has Frost and like over a thousand other unlockables, but there was something special about unlocking the full roster, about not starting with basically every character ready to go

Posted by chazeitgeist · in r/MortalKombat · 5 years ago

How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (24)


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gameprojoez · 5 years ago

Man, Deception only had 12 characters ready to play from the start? That's brutal. I remember Ed Boon teased "Super Unlockables," and it took the internet a couple days to find Liu Kang hidden in Konquest mode.


MK Deception also had one of the worst strategy guides ever printed, it didn't even have Liu Kang's hidden chest requirements in Konquest mode.


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Buzznfrog12345 · 5 years ago

I remember the super unlockables LOL. People on mkonline were looking for months for them in Konquest mode.


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European_Samurai · 5 years ago

I still have to find Liu Kang in Deception on my old xbox...


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Anonymous · 5 years ago

I know to a lot of people Deception is the best PS2 MK game and I don't disagree but the roster was trash so many sh*t characters like Kobra, Darrius, Kira and Dairou.


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ImJTHM1 · 5 years ago

Real talk, this was some bullsh*t.

When these came out, if you couldn't afford internet like my family, you were f*cked. You had to either buy a strategy guide with your allowance and cross your fingers that the information was even there, or hope one of your friends had the internet and was allowed to use it. Yeah, unlockable characters are satisfying, but also just tedious to get, and I'm glad that it isn't a thing anymore. It was just dead time that forced you to either meet arbitrary criteria or play game modes you didn't like before you could try all the characters. Can you imagine if you unlocked Frost by spending 1,000,000 koins in The Krypt or something? Yeah, that's not hard, but if you really like Frost, you want to play Frost, not Subzero until you're allowed to drop him.

When you were 13, it gave the games a sense of wonder and mystery. Now, it would just be a grindwall to unlock your main, who had a gameplay reveal trailer six months prior, and you could look up the ending for them whenever you wanted. The culture has changed.

I remember having to force myself through Smash Ultimate's campaign for all of the characters. It was so boring that it burned me out before I even touched other game modes. It's the same issue.


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SerSkinny · 5 years ago

Deception wasnt really that bad unlocking characters, my 12 year old self had no issues unlocking them except just for Liu, and I had no access to the internet. Even then I was able to find him while not investing that much time. Recently went back and went even smoother, blowing through the story and a few side quests here and there, running through arcade with all the characters I unlocked and I had enough to buy the important stuff in the krypt. I much prefer Deceptions style and would love for them to go back to it one of these days


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MaxinRudy · 5 years ago

Eh, smash ultimate's campaign isn't that good, i'll give you that. But unlocking all characters are easy enought. Play 2 or 3 matches on campaign, go back to the main menu and you'll have a fight to unlock a new characters. Got all characters unlocked on the same day the game droped doing this


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Anonymous · 5 years ago

Yeah I played the game for a year at least and never unlocked liu kang lol.


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HallowVortex · 5 years ago

Imagine having to sit and unlock everything on hundreds of different machines, are you really saying that's not hard? It's one of the biggest complaints Smash Ultimate TOs have.

Either way, if they did make things unlockable, there should just be a code to do it all in one go, for TOs and for me, because I just wanna play my f*ckin character already.


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Anonymous · 5 years ago


It takes a f*ckton of time to unlock everyone in Deception just once. Imagine if MK11 had similar requirements and they had to unlock everyone on every station? Do you even know how tournaments are ran like?


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Dazered · 5 years ago

Even if there is a code to unlock things for TOs, but not everyone else that means that pros would have to drain hours and hours into unlocking things when normally they spend all that time practicing with characters. It would push players away to other games. They're doing this for a living not a hobby.


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IHateShovels · 5 years ago

I miss secret unlockable characters.


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (28)r/MortalKombat • [3]


So why.....was Frost kept a secret?

Posted by WilliamTCipher · in r/MortalKombat · 1 year ago

Why was Frost locked before you play chapter 4. I dont.....get it. Like is it supposed to be shocking or something. She is beaten in ten seconds.


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Hoodedtrout07 · 1 year ago

I always figured it was common to have 1 fighter unlocked in Story mode like Shinnok in MKX. It's probably to get people to play Story mode and they just picked Frost.


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onlyhereforelise · 1 year ago

I liked how they keep old traditions like complete the story to unlock characters stuff like that not just BUY NOW 5.99. So I didn’t mind it who cares


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WilliamTCipher · 1 year ago

I guess. But why Frost specifically. They could have kept the revenant characters locked until you found their younger selves imo.

Edit: Ok, I can see thats controversial lol.


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onlyhereforelise · 1 year ago

Probably cause her drastic changes to her character? Idk at least it was a early unlock 💀


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Pski · 1 year ago

So is your issue that you wanted to play a character immediately, or that the story mode isn't allowed to hold characters hostage until you have a sense of canon on why they have their current look / skillet?


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dbeagle · 1 year ago

I think they didn't want to reveal that she'd been Cybered. That's the only reason I can think as to why they were so secretive with her.


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thedoctorstatic · 1 year ago

And good for NR for doing it.

The crazy amount of effort that went into their cinematic story deserves to be watched.

MK11 has a ridiculous and absolutely bs amount of grind to unlock stuff.

And they knew it, too. That's why they gave you a bot to grind towers while you watch tv on another input.

Obviously op never played mk3/umk3 in an arcade if frost unlock is too much of a hassle


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diloself · 1 year ago

i think kronika broke the timeline just because frost wanted to be a cyborg 😭


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onlyhereforelise · 1 year ago

Is she? I just made up the price cause when I played I always remember she was there for purchase for people who can’t even get pass 4 chapters


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lovemagick · 1 year ago

They didn't want to spoil the 2 Frost fans


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ImGonnaLickYourLeg · 1 year ago

Tbf A LOT of people wanted her and were excited she was in MK11. It was only after the release her fans vanished lol.


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StarbyOnHere · 1 year ago

I always thought it wasn't Kronika but you were originally supposed to unlock Shao Kahn after you beat him in Story. But they changed it too Frost after they decided he'd be the pre-order bonus


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (32)r/Mortalkombatleaks • [4]


Thoughts on unlocking characters in the roster.

Posted by LarzFates · in r/Mortalkombatleaks · 1 year ago

What if we have to unlock characters on the roster before we play them. I know the older games were big on it and I honestly wouldn't mind having to unlock more than one character from playing the game. Thoughts?


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Wadsworth1954 · 1 year ago

I liked unlocking characters and alternate costumes back in the day. It was fun in MK Deception, but that’s because they were all unlocked in konquest mode.


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Enchlore · 1 year ago

I like unlocking characters. It's fun, unless there's some absurd grind involved - though I get why some people don't enjoy it.

Too much trouble for tournaments? Add a cheat code you can input to unlock every character. Older games did it. Or, well, add an option to pay to unlock everything like they did with Frost... but that's super lame and a pointless cash grab.


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sellieba · 1 year ago

There could very easily be a tournament key/download as well.


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bobface222 · 1 year ago

It's always a headache for tournaments.


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That-Rhino-Guy · 1 year ago

I’ve heard that Quan Chi players sometimes had to finish story mode at a tournament ahead of their matches just to use him, sounds funny but also a huge pain


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Delorean82 · 1 year ago

That’s my guess as to why they made MK11 Frost an optional $5 unlock as well: for tournaments.


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jamasha · 1 year ago

screw tournaments honestly, just made the games worse


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NiJester · 1 year ago

Tournaments are fine. It's the playerbase' reactions to the tournaments that are a problem. Sonicfox wins with a character? That character is now Top 1.


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TatoRezo · 1 year ago

Big disagree


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oscuroluna · 1 year ago

I like it, brings back the old school of having something to work towards. Not the Krypt where you had to look up which gravestone but like Smash where you defeat them in battle. It rewards playing the game, the tower/arcade modes and the like.

(Coming from someone who plays single player offline)


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Intrepid-Dentist-675 · 1 year ago

I think having one unlockable character would be cool


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (36)r/MortalKombat • [5]


Secret fights feel kinda pointless in MK1

Posted by TheCatOfWonderland · in r/MortalKombat · 10 months ago

In previous entries (such as the original MK trilogy) Secret fights were a complete shock to those who were lucky enough to run into one, and battle a mysterious secret character! You could even speculate whether these secret characters would become main roster playable characters in future entries (which we all know they did, EX: Reptile, Noob, Smoke, Jade etc).

However, MK1’s secret fights do not have the same idea to them, and its rather disappointing. To me anyway, secret fights are just “ambushes” with a different title. Theres no secret characters, its always just someone from the base roster. Doesn’t that feel kinda lame to you? They should have just picked between having secret or ambush fights, not both at the same time.


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Famous-Bandicoot-929 · 7 months ago

How do you get secret fights?


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TheCatOfWonderland · 7 months ago

You just play invasions and eventually after a fight you may get a secret fight


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OnaPaleHorse80 · 4 months ago

Yeah I just did one vs Ashra. Made no sense. I agree, it should be vs non-roster or secret characters, I don't even get what's secret about them.


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Heartsib · 10 months ago

They're just annoying, imo. My reward for doing well in the last fight is...another random fight that will give me another talisman I'll need to chuck out. Like come on. Even if every secret fight can't have a skin, at least give us quadruple koins or kurrency or something.


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Ok_Broccoli_3336 · 10 months ago

Maybe it is all soke and mirrors and there really is a secret fight...jade


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chicagravy · 5 months ago

I think in one of the original mortal kombats these were secret fighting characters, boss characters kinda that you would have to enter codes or something, It's kinda cool but it isn't special in this game, I hope it gets changed a little.


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (40)r/MortalKombat • [6]


Having a secret fight EVERY fight in invasion… yeah not so secret now is it? 😭

Posted by TOWDOM · in r/MortalKombat · 10 months ago

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feetMeat93 · 10 months ago

When I did my first secret fight I was like "oh sh*t cool!" Now I just like...bruh....again?


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Own-Satisfaction9921 · 10 months ago

It’s like when Derek said in the last kombat kast that EVERY node would have a secret fight, I was like ‘ahh he meant to say every mesa ofc lol’ because when he said it I thought it sounded too good to be true 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


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NativeK1994 · 10 months ago

There is a secret fight on most nodes? Or at least 7-10 in each mesa because I found a hell of a lot more then one per 😂


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TOWDOM · 10 months ago

FR like I gotta go into a fight ready for sooner another 5 minutes fighting an armored Havik that takes 5% damage with a 40% damage combo on regular game😭


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VanillaChakra · 10 months ago

Secret fights should straight up give you all the cosmetics your opponent has on.


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pathfinder_mike · 10 months ago

Yeah, like have them be genuinely rare, gives more incentive to replay stages hoping to get a secret fight, and getting cosmetics you've wanted, it would make people more excited about a secret fight!


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VanillaChakra · 10 months ago

For sure, imagine getting a secret fight against someone with sweet looking gear you don’t have. Knowing you’ll get all that if you take them down.


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Zealousideal_Pie_818 · 10 months ago

This and limit the amount of secret fights to like 5 per mesa at most. I was getting a secret fight almost every other node near the end invasions.


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TOWDOM · 10 months ago

Right like in MKX secret fights didn’t give much but they were pretty rare. I see no ping in secret fight for MK1


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Jeremy_Melton · 10 months ago

Exactly what I say after EVERY fight. It’s not a secret fight if it’s so common.


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Scarif_Citadel · 10 months ago

The announcer gets it right when he says "sick!".

You're damn right I'm sick of these secret fights and these damn talismans!


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sad*sticDance · 10 months ago

Its the best feature!


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (45)r/MortalKombat • [7]


So, anyone else notice that the layout of the Character Select screen hints at some secret characters?

Posted by benday990 · in r/MortalKombat · 5 years ago

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jathniel123 · 5 years ago

Kronika's not playable bud


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benday990 · 5 years ago

Yeah I know. Pretty sure that wasn’t common knowledge when this was created though


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jathniel123 · 5 years ago

My bad


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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (50)r/MortalKombat • [8]


One thing I want them to bring back in MK1: Secret Unlockables

Posted by laser16 · in r/MortalKombat · 1 year ago

One of my favorite things about the older games was trying to figure out how to unlock secret characters, and I think it would be cool to bring that back in this game. Maybe not entire playable characters but maybe secret kameo fighters (like Blanche, Art Lean, Mokap, the Roomba etc) could be unlocked through specific requirements in the towers.

Secret skins, brutalities, stage fatalities/brutalities would also be really cool. What else could they add?


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SaltTimely4123 · 1 year ago

Yeah, the secrets are very cool, adds more content and fun to the game, they kind of had that a bit in mk11 with frost and the skins exclusive to the krypt


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MrSelfDestruct88 · 1 year ago

There was something mentioned recently about Secret Kameos to unlock. Would be fun to unlock Kameo Reptile like the old days.


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-Belphegor- · 1 year ago

u will get paid unlockables and like it


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SenpaiBatman · 1 year ago



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LiquidMetal616 · 1 year ago

I'll never forget meditating for an entire month in Deception just to get Liu Kang in the woods lmao

It was amazing

MK's has always done Easter eggs and secrets exceptionally well

Boss Rush Mode and Smoke Missions in Shaolin Monks come to mind as well


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Eldritch-Cleaver · 1 year ago


And its not like it can't be done. Look at FromSoftware games. Modern day games with tons of secrets to find regardless of datamining/leaks.

The secrets are a big part of MK. Ffs they invented the hidden character in fighting games. Reptile was literally the first.


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how to unlock secret characters in mortal kombat 1

Unlocking secret characters in Mortal Kombat 1 can be an exciting endeavor. Here are some key considerations and tips to help you unlock those hidden fighters:

  1. Reptile: To fight against Reptile, you need to achieve a Double Flawless Victory (winning both rounds without taking any damage) on The Pit stage. During the match, you must perform a Fatality using only the uppercut button. If successful, you will be taken to the bottom of The Pit to face Reptile.

  2. Scorpion and Sub-Zero: These characters are initially playable, but you can also fight against them in the Mirror Match. To trigger the Mirror Match, you need to achieve a Double Flawless Victory on The Bridge stage. During the match, you must perform a Fatality using only the sweep button. If done correctly, you will face a clone of your chosen character.

  3. Goro: Goro is the game's sub-boss and is not normally playable. However, you can unlock him using a cheat code. On the character select screen, enter the following sequence: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, High Punch. If entered correctly, Goro will become selectable.

  4. Reaching the Endurance Matches: To access the Endurance Matches, where you fight against multiple opponents in a row, you need to achieve a Double Flawless Victory on The Pit stage. Afterward, you will be taken to the Endurance Matches.

Remember, these unlock methods are specific to Mortal Kombat 1. Subsequent games in the series may have different unlock requirements. Enjoy the challenge and have fun unlocking the secret characters!

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How to Unlock Secret Characters in Mortal Kombat 1? (2024)
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